This blog is to keep in touch with those I love during my twenty-seven month adventure in Paraguay. Welcome to the chronicles of my life as a gringa americana doing urban youth development in Sudamėrica.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Que llueva, que llueva

Let it rain.
Rain has never been sweeter. It came suddenly, falling fast. It had been hanging in the air the past few days and the sky had become grey. Still, I didn't want to get my hopes up. The two days preceding a rain are beyond sultry, the air feels thick and heavy. We are in a drought so these clouds don't always promise fruition. Sometimes the conditions seem perfect for a storm, but too often we are all disappointed with a light rain that last a few minutes. Even the thunder is deceiving.

Everyone is craving the rain, needing it. We need it to clear the air and take away some of the heat. The farmers are hoping to save their crops, most do not have advanced watering systems like in the states and they really depend on the rain.

You need the rain for a sweet release of the humidity that has become so heavy. Now that it's here, I don't want it to stop. I can already hear it quieting down, leaving as quickly as it came, even after all that build up. Now it's coming back, toying with the emotions of everyone. Please stay.

Rain here means something more to me than it does in the states. Living so much in the elements can be beautiful, but it can also be miserable. I woke up this morning sweating, and it was seven in the morning.

I wrote this a few days ago and tomorrow it’s supposed to storm. The last few days it’s been too hot to think.

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