This blog is to keep in touch with those I love during my twenty-seven month adventure in Paraguay. Welcome to the chronicles of my life as a gringa americana doing urban youth development in Sudamėrica.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Is this really happening? I'm not so sure yet.

Well, I'd really like to tell you guys all about Paraguay and my South American adventure, but for now, I'm losing my mind. How's about that? I feel ridiculous for having purchased so many items for this expedition when moving to a very poor country. I will feel like a giant ass for having done so, but I needed good shoes to last me for two years (they sure as heck aren't going to carry size 11s there when I can hardly find them in the US), and I tried to get practical items as well as ones key to my sanity. You know.

I have to say goodbye to most of my family tomorrow, and my friends, the next day. Again! I know. Let's get it over with, but I would like to have another time with everyone. I just want it to be very casual, let's pretend we're going to see each other again tomorrow. I don't mind talking about leaving, really, but I don't want anybody to shout, "It's Natalie's last night!" That's nice, but I can't handle being the crying girl again. Ohhh let's not do that again.

Another thing I'm not looking forward to is not having control over my diet. That sounds ridiculous, but when you are a guest in somebody's home, especially in this type of situation, you really do just eat what they give you. And apparently they are all about the starch and meat in Paraguay and I hear it's quite tasty, but there goes my great plan of sweating the pounds off. One can only hope for a parasite, right? That's okay, there are more important things to worry about. But I am pretty bummed about that part.

I've just made a huge sack to give to my sister. I got overly excited and bought too many things, I don't want to bother with returns, and I'm happy for her to have them. I even bought two night creams, I'm losing my mind! One of my friends has already sent me something to Paraguay!! I have the most amazing people in my life...hope nobody forgets about me. That sounds silly, but really...these things tend to happen. I'm excited about everything. I suspect I may be the oldest going with my group and I might be the only Jesus lover. Nada nuevo.

Ohhh but I do hope after the six months of waiting that someone will get to come for a visit somewhere between August 2010 and May 2012. Who knows, I could extend. I'm getting way ahead of myself. I didn't even mean to write an actual blog since nobody even knows this exists right now but this does offer more bag packing procrastination, what more could I ask for? A lot of people I haven't seen in awhile have contacted me to wish me well in one way or another, it has been really nice. It still hasn't even sunk in yet.

Oh, here's one more tip when trying to pack up for two years. Turn on the TV, aimlessly look up pointless things on the Internet, then bake cookies. It does a world of good.

Here's to lots of vaccinations and loooong flights! I really am excited. And freaking out. And on the verge of crying at any moment thinking of everyone I'll miss. But happy, too. Know of an emotion? I'm feeling it. Lovelove.


  1. Girl, it's still hard for me to say too much directly to you without getting too emotional, but I just want to give your blog support. I know you're probably terribly excited and having a hard time sleeping, but I hope your last moments in the U.S. are swell and that your transition to the next couple years of your life is as easy as possible. You're gonna experience so much life!

  2. Also, --you know it's happening now!!-- what an intense moment of realization to have shared with you. I was so glad to have been there with you, love.

  3. I love you Merrie! I couldn't say anything to your face, either! Still can't quite write it! Thanks for the support and thank you so much for yesterday and the night have no idea how much it meant to me. Ahh I'm already starting to cry so I can't write anymore!! I know, I'm SO happy you were there. We've been through some stuff together, definitely. I can't wait to be pen pals!

  4. Natalie, I love that you have a blog now. I can't to hear about all your adventures. I'm soooo proud of you and look up to you so much. Your my inspiration. You are going to do great at whatever your doing!

    Love you girl:)

  5. Natalie!!!! Good luck on your adventures, I have Dreycin in the back ground rooting you on!!! love you mucho!

  6. Natalie!! I can't believe you are really there!! I hope that all you do will be blessed!! Love you bunches!! Aunt Jan

  7. Glad you posted! It is so hot there!! Hope to talk to you soon! Love and miss you! mOm

  8. Natalie!
    We are so glad to hear that you made the trip
    without any problems. You are off to a great adventure. Keep everyone on their toes and remember that we love you gringa americana. Everyone at Trinity says howdy.

  9. Thinking of you Natalie. We had snow today....again. It is slowly melting now, though. Know it is pretty hot there. I love you. Aunt Rosie

  10. Sweetie, I hope you have an awesome adventure this weekend and it has given you some prospective of what lies ahead! You are, as always, in my thoughts and prayers and I've been delighted to have been able to be here when you've been online!!! Love always,
    Your other "Mother"
